What customization choices can I make in the "General" section?
- The "Delivery Method" gives you the option to specify the method in which the reporting letter will be sent. You can choose delivery "By email", "By mail", "By courier" or "Hand delivered" from the drop-down list.
- The "RE Line" lets you specify the subject of your reporting letter. Type your subject into the field. For example, you could call your RE line, "Preparation of Estate Documents".
- The "Default Signatory" is where you can choose who is going to be signing the letter. You can choose any user on your account from the drop-down list. Usually, the individual selected here is the lawyer drafting the will.
- If the "Include Escrow Document" box is checked, this will generate escrow instructions along with the reporting letter. If your firm holds the original Will or POAs, this document will confirm when those can be released by your firm and to whom.
What customization choices can I make in the "Wills" section?
- If the "Multiple Wills" box is checked, this will generate wording in the reporting letter that will refer to the fact that you drafted Multiple Wills.
- If the "Includes Registered Assets Beneficiary Designation" box is checked, this will generate wording in the reporting letter that will refer to the fact that you included registered assets beneficiary designations in the Will.
- If the "Separate Insurance Declaration" box is checked, this will generate wording in the reporting letter that will refer to the fact that you drafted a separate insurance declaration.
- On the "Originals" line you can specify whether the original documents are being delivered to the client or held by your firm. Click the line and select an option from the drop down list.
What other customization choices can I make in this section?
- If the "Included" box is checked under "POA Personal Care", you can specify whether POAs for Personal Care were drafted and whether the originals are being delivered to the client or held by the firm. You can also specify the number of copies.
- If the "Included" box is checked under "POA Property", you can specify whether POAs for Property were drafted and whether the originals are being delivered to the client or held by the firm. You can also specify the number of copies.
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