What customization choices can I make in the "General" section?
In the "General" section, you can choose whether or not you want certain sections included in the will. Click the box to include and unclick the box to leave out.
- If the "Registered Asset Designation" box is checked, the single will document will include any designations of registered assets (such as RRSPs).
- If the "Joint/Designated Asset Confirmation" box is checked, the single will document will include a special clause confirming assets that will fall outside the will.
- If the "Counterpart Execution" box is checked, the single will document will include special language noting the fact that the will is being signed in counterpart.
- If the "Simplified Provisions" box is checked, the single will document that is generated will be a shorter, simpler version of the single will - containing less definitions and powers.
- If the "Will Guide" box is checked, a special guide will populate at the end of the single will document that will help clients understand the purpose of each clause in their will.
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